Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Sweetest Moments

I want to take hold of each Moment
Before It can slip away. 
Dimly seen. 
A whisper. 
A vapor. 
Now Unnoticed.
It crept close, but found only blind eyes. 
It slipped away.
To seek another pair of eyes. 
Eyes wide open. 

What have I missed in that bare Moment?
Unadorned by anything but Grace and Simplicity
It would have slipped to my side; 
Whispered love and trust
Love beautiful and filling and spilling over the empty hole. 
Trust would have lent me His strength to lean full on
Would have wrapped an arm around me. 
Leaving me with a heart tipped crazy by love.
Joy bubbling into a little girl's giggle. 
Safe at last in the Daddy's arms.    

Monday, February 25, 2013

God in His Grace never leaves us where we are.
He is always at work.
Always leading.
Always challenging.
Always encouraging.
And I am so grateful.
He has been so good to me!
He will not leave me alone, He patiently culls each bad habit.
I was challenged hard this past week: I was brought face to face with an uncomfortable truth.. 
Looked full in the face of a pet sin I had carefully covered; reasoned and excused.

To spare myself an uncomfortable moment.
Those uncomfortable moments have a way of adding up.
Making a weight.

And this time, for the first time, I rejoiced! 
When it was 'over', I found a joy in the Loving instruction of my Heavenly Father.
Though it stung terribly, I find freedom in the end.

A thorn has to be taken out, though it hurts, for the wound to heal

Sunday, February 17, 2013


This should have been the first post perhaps, 
but the other (Moment of Grace) was my reason for starting.
I am not at all sure of blogging...but wish to share thoughts all the same. 

Share what I feel the Lord to be teaching me, perhaps. 
He is ever leading His children in the paths of life.
--Even if I am only blogging to the air;) 

       The evil habit of seeking God-and effectively prevents us from finding God in full revelation. In the "and" lies our great woe. If we omit the "and" we shall soon find God, and in Him we shall find that for which we have all our lives been secretly longing.   A.W.Tozer

Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Moment of Grace

I live. I breathe.
A moment of grace, now sucked into the swirling pool of time.
Because it is grace.
It is a gift.
Another breath.
Another moment to be who He made.
Another moment to rest in His identity that is mine.
Another moment to walk a blind step forward.
Another moment to love.
To live loved. To Love life.
To love the Life-giver. To Love what He gives.
To give what He loves.
Love to be defined as the mutual exchange of what is good.
His gift.
My thanks.