oh if I could just sit down face to face and have a cup of tea...or coffee.
face to face with Jesus and being able to ask all those pesky questions!
And hear audible answers.
you can wish for that sometimes. when it feels like too many decisions are staring you in the face and you just want a clear answer. straightforward. a this or that answer. definite.
but not sitting there straining to hear into the silence and hearing a permissive will of God. An either or. its up to you on this one. Just walk with me awhile? just enjoy these moments of together. he asks for communion. for breath together day by day and just a letting go of all your thoughts to him and let this flow happen, be connected. knitting life together and then it doesn't seem to matter quite so much that its not audible voice, because you are hearing.
he is there. and you hear best in the quiet. it carves out this slow, hallowed place. He's more present, more there. you learn to hear in a new way.