today I am tired.
I hurt. In more ways than one.
I have illness that keeps recurring every time I stress out. I have something else that just isnt quite right.
and I hate having to deal with them. Despise what feels like and unending battle, a continuous cycle of pain....and then I tell myself "stop being such a baby! there are other people who go threw this too you know!"
But I think you got it all together when you do.
Maybe you don't.
I know I don't.
the funny thing is how God shows up in my broken space.
what starts with a groan and a wondering "why again?" and progresses to a verbally rough moment with God that suddenly collapses into defeat... Or maybe not defeat. But a place where my brokenness is solidly in his hands and not mine, These are hands that CAN heal. I know that. and maybe someday. I'm Believing that. But today is more about my heart and how its wandered from its healer. How when everything was good it decided it could coast on its own. And today is healing because God met my heart in beautiful ways.
Linking with Kate Motaung for Five Minute Friday.