Sunday, September 1, 2013


''We’re not made for performance but for connection.
We’re not made for perfection but for growth.
We’re not made for achievement but for worship.'' Holley Gerth
Amen! This hit me squarely when I read it this morning. I have a tendency to anxiously perform...and realize later that I lost a moment of connection with some one. The 'performance' probably did not impress them, in any event it brings me no closer to friends...just a sickening sense of loss.
  Nor do I want anything less than perfection. Somehow, someway, on my journey I have equated perfection to growth, maturity. If I've grown at all, then something must be better.
  I mark my life by achievements, with goals met. But they fall hollow. 
I need my Christ and Him alone and Him glorified in me...resurrected and alive.
'For in Him we live and move and have our being...' Acts 17:28