Monday, May 5, 2014

Five Minute Friday - Mess

oh, I used to be scared of you.
scared of how chaotic you were, how crazy you could tip my world.
Just the fact that you showed up in the dirtiest, unrefined way.
You didn't like to be controlled, you always escaped in some other shocking way. Just when I thought I had everything tidy again.
you were raw.
volatile sometimes.
emotions spilling everywhere and the reality of who I really was, was on display.
I thought Mess meant the absence of Beauty.
the absence of Good.
even, the absence of GOD.
it just ain't so.
HE's the only one I know, who could look at a mess and call her beautiful.
Only one who could look beyond the hurt and pain and see the desparate beating heart.
The One Who can see a Daughter becoming.


  1. Wonderful post Sherrie! It's a beautiful thought that even in our messes state, our Father can look at us and see past it all to our real beauty and potential.

  2. Popping over from FMF! Great insights - our mess reveals that we really aren't in control, and that can be so difficult to accept! Beautifully done!
